
System Security and Forensics

Přihlášení do KOSu pro zápis předmětu Zobrazit rozvrh
Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky
NIE-SBF Z,ZK 5 2P+1C anglicky
Garant předmětu:
Simona Fornůsek
Simona Fornůsek
Simona Fornůsek, Marián Svetlík
Předmět zajišťuje:
katedra informační bezpečnosti

Students will be introduced to various aspects of system security (principles of endpoint security, principles of security policies, security models, authentication concepts). Students will also learn about forensic analysis as a tool for investigating security incidents (techniques used by malicious software or attackers, forensic analysis techniques, and the importance of memory or file system artifacts for attack analysis and detection).



Osnova přednášek:

1. Security of information systems, security policies.

2. Security models and modeling.

3. Authentication: Management of encryption keys and certificates, secure local and remote authentication.

4. Authentication: Authentication protocols, Kerberos.

5. Security of distributed services and cloud.

6. Forensics: Introduction.

7. Forensics: Forensic imaging.

8. Forensics: File systems analysis, Data Carving.

9. Forensics: Volatile memory.

10. Forensics: Information and residual data, activities of OS, applications and users.

11. Security of terminal stations.

12. Cyber attacks, methods and classification.

13. Security of Distributed Services - Internet of Things (IoT)

Osnova cvičení:

1. Malware Analysis - basics

2. File System Artifacts

3. Memory Analysis

4. Windows Registry

5. Residual user data & artefacts in Windows OS

Cíle studia:
Studijní materiály:

1. Carvey, H. : Investigating Windows Systems. Academic Press, 2018. ISBN 978-0128114155.

2. Vacca, J. R. : Network and System Security (2nd Edition). Syngress, 2013. ISBN 978-0124166899.

3. Kim, D. - Solomon, M. : Fundamentals of Information Systems Security. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2012. ISBN 987-0-7637-9025-7.

4. Stallings, W. : Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice (5th Edition). Prentice Hall, 2010. ISBN 0-13-869017-0.

5. Anderson, R. : Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems. Wiley, 2008. ISBN 0470068523.


Chybí webová stránka.

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Platnost dat k 16. 6. 2024
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