
Zdroje záření a fotodetektory pro integraci

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XP34RSD ZK 4 2P česky
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katedra mikroelektroniky

The students get acquainted stimulated emission in semiconductors. Homogeneous and heterogeneous junction, double heterostructure laser. Waveguide resonators, DFB structures. Complex lasers, quantum wells. Electromagnetic fields in semiconductor lasers. Types of lasers and their properties. Tunable injection lasers. Spectral line width and line stability. Radiating characteristic, coupling the laser to a waveguide. Bi-stable and voltage devices, switches. Non-coherent LED's, super-luminescence diodes. Lasers and non-coherent diodes for optical communications, injection and coherent external modulators. Injection laser amplifiers. Principles of nano-optoelectronic components. Measurement methods, applications.

Students will be introduced to new principles of integrated optoelectronic components and subsystems for informatics and sensor technique, design methods and technologies.


Tento předmět navazuje na látku probranou ve výše uvedených magisterských předmětech.B2M34PIO nebo BE2M34PIO.

Osnova přednášek:

1. Stimulated emission and photodetection in semiconductors

2. Homogeneous and heterogeneous junction, heterostructure lasers and photodiodes

3. Waveguide resonators, DFB and BFR structures

4. Complex lasers, quantum wells lasers and photodetectors

5. Electromagnetic fields in semiconductor lasers and waveguide phtodetectors

6. Types of lasers and photodetectors for integration and their properties

7. Integrated tunable injection lasers amd multifrequency lasers

8. Uni travel currier and waveguide photodetectors

9. Radiation characteristic, coupling the lasers and photodetectors to waveguide

10. Lasers, non-coherent diodes and photodetectors for optical communications

11. Injection and coherent external modulators. Stabilization structures.

12. Intensity and coherent optoelectronic receivers, structures and parameters

13. Injection and waveguide amplifiers, structures and properties

14. Measurement methods, applications

Osnova cvičení:

1. Design software for the optoelectronic and integrated optics.

2. Electrical models of the optoelectronic radiation sources.

3. Electrical models of the optoelectronic radiation detectors.

3. Design and optimization of detectors and planar receivers of the optical radiation.

4. Design and optimization of lasers and planar transmitters of the optical radiation.

5. Design of the optical waveguides coupling of optoelectronic components.

6. Design of nano-optoelectronic components.

7. Design of the planar microwave OE receivers and OE transmitters.

8. Measurement of the optical planar waveguides and the planar power a wavelength dividers.

9. Measurement of the spectral and dynamic properties of lasers and integrated planar transmitters.

10. Measurement of the spectral and dynamic properties of detectors and the integrated planar receivers.

11. Measurement of the spectral properties of the optical planar active waveguide.

12 Measurement of the optical waveguide properties by elipsometry method.

13. Measurement of the optical active planar waveguides by the supercontinuum source.

14. Measurement of the optical sensors, Raman sensors, credit.

Cíle studia:

Cílem předmětu je rozšířit znalosti studentů v oblasti technologie a vlastností nových integrovatelných polovodičových zdrojů záření a detektorů, jako jsou nové DFB a BFR laserové diody, s úhlovými konvertory, multifrekvenční lasery, laserová pole a problematika přelaďování laserových zdrojů. Pokud jde o fotodetektory pak se jedná o WG a UTC fotodiody a fotodetektorová pole. Součástí předmětu je také studium vazby těchto součástek na planární vlnovody, studium jejich dynamických vlastností, nových koherentních modulátorů a demodulátorů.

Studijní materiály:

Ch.L. Chen: Elements of Optoelectronics, IRWIN, Chicago1996.

H. Nishihara, M. Haruna, T. Suhara: Optical Integrated Circuits, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1985.

G.P. Agrawal: Lightwave Technology, J.Wiley&Sons, Inc., New York, 2006.

K. Okamoto: Fundamentals of Optical Waveguides, Elsevier, Amsterodam, 2006

R. Menzel: Photonics, Springer 2007

A.A. Balandin and K.L.Wang: Handbook of Semiconductor nanophotonics and nanodevices, ASP 2006

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Platnost dat k 14. 3. 2025
Aktualizace výše uvedených informací naleznete na adrese https://bilakniha.cvut.cz/cs/predmet5930206.html