
Fundametals of Electric Drives

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky
BE1B14ZPO Z,ZK 5 2P+2L anglicky
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Předmět zajišťuje:
katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce

The course provides the basic terms and knowledge in electric drives and in the issues related to this discipline as well. The lectures are focused on the basic of electric drives logic control, continuous control and also discrete control, and on the characteristics of used controllers in practice. Further, the basic control structures of drives with DC and AC machines are explained.


Sufficient knowledge of electric machines (construction, principles, characteristic) and power electronics converters (topologies, principles, characteristics, control).

Osnova přednášek:

1.Definition of electric drive, logic control drives.

2.Continuous control, transfer functions, static and dynamic behavior of a controlled system.

3.Transition from analogue to digital signal processing, time sampling and amplitude quantization.

4.Differential equations and digital control algorithms.

5.Digital system in the time and frequency domains.

6.Calculation of PSD controller.

7.Motion equation, solving of mechanical problems in electric drives; torques.

8.Analysis of operating conditions, electromechanical transient phenomena.

9.Drives with separately excited DC motors, mathematical model.

10.Drives with series DC motors, mathematical model.

11.Drives with induction motors, mathematical model.

12.Speed control of drives with induction machines, principle of field oriented control a direct torque control.

13. Drives with synchronous motors, mathematical model, start up.

14. Excitation systems of synchronous machines, speed control of drives with synchronous motors.

Osnova cvičení:

1.Revision of knowledge from electrical machines and power electronics

2.Introduction of the laboratory of electric drives, safety regulations, laboratory order

3.Logic control of the electric drives

4.Calculation of the behavior of the digital system in the time and frequency domains

5.Calculation of PSD controller.

6.Transients in electric drives, measurement of time constants

7.Measurement of moment of inertia and dynamic torque characteristics of induction motor

8.Cyclic loading of the drive

9.DC motor supplied from reverse rectifier - mechanical drive characteristic measurement

10.Speed control of induction motor with frequency inverter

11.Different manners of induction motor start-up

12.Synchronous motor supplied from current source inverter

13.Doubly fed motor


Cíle studia:
Studijní materiály:

[1] CHIASSON, John Nelson. Modeling and high performance control of electric machines. Hoboken: Wiley, 2005. ISBN 0-471-68449-X.

[2] LEONHARD, Werner. Control of electrical drives. 3rd ed. Berlin: Springer, 2001. xviii, 460 s. ISBN 3-540-41820-2.

[3] Ned Mohan, William P. Robbins, Tore M. Undeland: WIE Power Electronics: Converters, Applications and Design, Media Enhanced , 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, March 2003

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