
Electric Machines and Apparatuses Basics

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky
BE1B14ZSP Z,ZK 5 3P+2L anglicky
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katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce

The course explains the principles of machines for convertsion of mechanical energy to electrical and back. It discusses the principles of basic functions and properties of rotating and non-rotating electric machines. Following the behavior of electrical machines are discussed basic devices for protection and switching, including behavioral and switching problems.


Active participation in laboratory exercises, proper documentation and processing of measurement results, submission of measurement reports

Osnova přednášek:

1. Electric drive and its components. Principles and laws of electromechanical energy conversion.

2. DC machines, principles, construction, basic characteristics. Dynamos and motors.

3. Starting, speed control and braking. Common features of DC machines, commutation principles.

4. Transformers, principles, construction, basic properties. Three-phase transformer winding connection.

5. Basic operating conditions for parallel work of transformer. Rotating magnetic field and AC rotating machines.

6. Asynchronous machines, principles, properties, applications. Single-phase induction motor.

7.Synchronous generators, principle of operation and design.

8. Introduction to electrical appliances. Fundamental phenomena in electrical equipment.

9. Switching of DC high voltage circuits. Transient phenomena in DC circuits.

10. Switching of high voltage AC circuits. Transient Phenomena in AC circuits.

11. Switching surges in AC circuits HV and LV. Switching devices for low voltage circuits.

12. Fuses for LV distribution networks, their characteristics and applications.

13. The protection devices for LV distribution netoworks, RCD, surge arresters.

14. Reserve

Osnova cvičení:

1. Learning the laboratory, safety regulations, laboratory rules.

2. Starting and reversing the DC motor. Speed and torque measurement. Calibration of speed-voltage generator.

3. Separately excited DC motor - load characteristics.

4. Speed control of separately excited DC motor.

5. Transformer - no-load and short-circuit measurement, equivalent scheme.

6. Induction motor - starting, torque characteristic.

7. Synchronous generator - grid synchronization, characteristics.

8. Control of electric machine by means of contactors - contactor combination circuits.

9. Application of programmable relays in switchgear control circuits I.

10. Application of programmable relays in switchgear control circuits II.

11. Overload relay, tripping characteristics.

12. V - A contactor characteristics.

13. Measurement of current path warming.

14. Additional measurements, credit.

Cíle studia:
Studijní materiály:

1. CHAPMAN, Stephen J. Electric machinery fundamentals. 4th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, c2005.

2. SLADE, Paul G.. Electrical Contacts: Principles and Applications. 2nd ed. CRC Press, c2017

3. Flurscheim, C.H., Power Circuit Breaker, Theory and Design. IEE.1982

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