Telephony Communication Control
Kód | Zakončení | Kredity | Rozsah | Jazyk výuky |
BE2M32RTK | Z,ZK | 6 | 2P + 2L | anglicky |
- Garant předmětu:
- Přednášející:
- Cvičící:
- Předmět zajišťuje:
- katedra telekomunikační techniky
- Anotace:
The course is oriented to audio or video issues in telecommunication networks, both fixed and mobile. Students will learn principles of switching systems and their management as well as the course will provide them with an overview of signaling systems in central exchanges and networks. The focus is on digital switching systems as circuit as packet switch oriented, i.e. so-called next generation network (NGN) and voice communication in 4G networks. (VoLTE).
- Požadavky:
General overview of telecommunications and ICT
- Osnova přednášek:
1. Telecommunication network. Switching system. Control system and switching elements. Principle of control of a switching system. Generation switching systems. Softswitch.
2. Numbering plans for telecommunication networks. Number portability and other services in liberalized telecommunications.
3. Signaling in switching systems. Analog systems, CAS and CCS. Overview of analog signaling U, P, K / MFC, E & M and etc.
4. Signaling CCS. Signaling systems, DSS1, Q-sig, DPNSS.
5. Signaling SS7 - part MTP L2 and L3, protocols ISUP, SCCP, TCAP, and INAP.
6. IP telephony, principles, scenarios. Quality of IP services, provision and evaluation.
7. Overview of VoIP protocols. SIP protocol, Part 1.
8. Protocol SIP, Part 2.
9. Intelligent Network (IN). Definition, implementation, trigger points and their specifications.
10. Next generation network (NGN). IMS. Definitions, features, principles, application. Convergence with existing networks.
11. Usage of VoIP in mobile networks - VoLTE, Part 1.
12. Asterisk, Open Source (not only) PBX.
13. Postprocessing of telecommunication traffic. Billing, troubleshooting.
14. Advanced services in the modern telecommunication industry.
- Osnova cvičení:
1. Introduction. Switching system terms revitalization.
2. Introduction theory for Labs
3. Introduction theory for Labs
4. Introduction theory for Labs
5. Lab #1: Analog subscriber signalling analysis
6. Lab #2: Supplementary services in ISDN
7. Lab #3: Ref. point S/T signalling analysis
8. Lab #4: Analog tie line signalling analysis
9. Lab #5: CAS signalling analysis
10. Lab #6: Digital tie line signalling analysis
11. Lab #7: Numbering plan implementation
12. Test exam
13. Excursion
14. Final
- Cíle studia:
- Studijní materiály:
Green, H. J.: The Irwin Handbook of Telecommunications. 5. vyd. New York, NY, USA: McGraw-Hill, 2006. ISBN 0-
Flanagan, W. A.: VoIP and Unified Communications: Internet Telephony and the Future Voice Network. Wiley. 2012.
ISBN: 978-1-118-01921-4
- Poznámka:
- Další informace:
- Pro tento předmět se rozvrh nepřipravuje
- Předmět je součástí následujících studijních plánů:
- Electronics and Communications - Communication Networks and Internet (povinný předmět programu)
- Electronics and Communications - Mobile Communications (povinně volitelný předmět)