UPOZORNĚNÍ: Jsou dostupné studijní plány pro následující akademický rok.

History of science and technology 1

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky
BE0B16HT1 KZ 4 2P+2S anglicky
Garant předmětu:
Předmět zajišťuje:
katedra ekonomiky, manažerství a humanitních věd

This subject provides basic information on the development of science and technology in the world and at home from the earliest times to the present. The course is aimed primarily at explaining the significance of key levels of technology development, industrial revolutions and their impact on society.

Výsledek studentské ankety předmětu je zde: http://www.fel.cvut.cz/anketa/aktualni/courses/AE0B16HT1



Osnova přednášek:

1. Introduction - Scientific Discipline Science and Technology.

2. World and Czech Science and Technology Museums.

3. Primeval Technologies and Science and Inventions in Antiquity.

4. Production, Its Organization and Technical Equipment in Feudal Society.

5. The Impact of Renaissance on Scientific and Technical Thinking.

6. Comparison of University and Technical Education.

7. Protoindustrial and industrial System.

8. The First Industrial Revolution in the Czech land and in the other countries.

9. Economic changes in Society after the First Industrial Revolution.

10. The Second Industrial Revolution and Czech Society.

11. Electrical Engineering and Czech Lands.

12. Technology and Daily Life in the 19th and 20 th Centuries.

13. Technology and the World by the turn of the 20th and the 21th Centuries.

14. Assesment of the Impact of Technology on Society.

Osnova cvičení:

1. Introduction - Scientific Discipline Science and Technology.

2. World and Czech Science and Technology Museums.

3. Primeval Technologies and Science and Inventions in Antiquity.

4. Production, Its Organization and Technical Equipment in Feudal Society.

5. The Impact of Renaissance on Scientific and Technical Thinking.

6. Comparison of University and Technical Education.

7. Protoindustrial and industrial System.

8. The First Industrial Revolution in the Czech land and in the other countries.

9. Economic changes in Society after the First Industrial Revolution.

10. The Second Industrial Revolution and Czech Society.

11. Electrical Engineering and Czech Lands.

12. Technology and Daily Life in the 19th and 20 th Centuries.

13. Technology and the World by the turn of the 20th and the 21th Centuries.

14. Assesment of the Impact of Technology on Society.

Cíle studia:
Studijní materiály:

1. PATURI, F.R.: Kronika techniky, Praha 1993 (A Chronicle of Technology, Dortmund 1988.)

2. EFMERTOVÁ, M. K vývoji české elektrotechniky od druhé poloviny 19. století do roku 1945. ČVUT, Praha 1997.

3.EFMERTOVÁ, M. Osobnosti české elektrotechniky. ČVUT, Praha 1998.

4. JÍLEK, F., SMOLKA, I. (eds.): Studie o technice v českých zemích 1800-1945. Díl 1.-6. NTM, Praha 1983-1995.

5. Studie o technice v českých zemích 1945-1992. Díl 1.-3., NTM, Praha 2003.

6. DVD - Obrazy z českých dějin 1914-2004. Praha 2008.

7. Propyläen Technikgeschichte. 5 bds. Berlin: Propyläen Verl.,1990-1992.

8. PAULINYI, Ákoš. Průmyslová revoluce: o původu moderní techniky. Praha: ISV, 2002.

9. MAYR, Elisabeth. Die Industrialisierung der böhmischen Länder: ein Vorzeigemodell der Habsburgermonarchie. München: GRIN, 2008.

10. BENSAUDE-VINCENT, Bernadette, BLONDEL Christine (eds). Science and Spectacle in the European Enlightenment. London: Ashgate, 2008.


Rozsah výuky v kombinované formě studia: 14p+6s

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