UPOZORNĚNÍ: Jsou dostupné studijní plány pro následující akademický rok.

Application of Electrochemical Sources

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BE0M13AEZ Z,ZK 4 2P+2L anglicky
Podmínkou zápisu na předmět BE0M13AEZ je, že student si nejpozději ve stejném semestru zapsal příslušný počet předmětů ze skupiny BEZBM
Garant předmětu:
Předmět zajišťuje:
katedra elektrotechnologie

After a brief introduction to chemical reactions commonly present in electrochemical sources, the technologies and manufacturing of commonplace accumulator batteries and primary cells are discussed in detail. In the course, there is presented the current state of the field of batteries for different types of applications - electromobility, stationary backup systems and energetics. Emphasis is also placed on the trends in simultaneously using of battery storage for balancing network characteristics, especially in combination with the RES.


A student has to obtain a credit before an examinationA student has to obtain a credit before an examination

Osnova přednášek:

1. Basic chemical and electrochemical reactions in the field of electrochemical sources

2. Methods for energy storage, basic notions and quantities

3. Primary cells, properties, utilization

4. Lead accumulators - types, construction, parameters and utilization

5. Alkaline accumulators NiCd, NiMH, construction, characteristics, utilization

6. Lithium accumulators Li-ion, Li-pol, power applications

7. Large volume electrolytic batteries - redox systems

8. Safety rules for handling with rechargeable batteries, risks, measurement and diagnostics.

9. BMS, accupack, utilization of accumulators in consumer electronics

10. Utilization of rechargeable batteries for independent traction

11. Stationary applications (UPS systems), cooperation of UPS with related systems

12. Hybrid systems using electrochemical methods for energy storage

13. Environmental and economical aspects of the use of rechargeable batteries

14. Perspective technologies and future utilization of electrochemical sources

Osnova cvičení:

1. Course organization, safety in the laboratory

2. Metals electrochemical potentials

3. Basics of electrochemical sources simulation

4. Discharging characteristics of primary cells

5. Charging characteristics of accumulators - Pb, Li-ion, LiFePo4

6. Charging characteristics of accumulators - NiCd, NiMh

7. Discharging characteristics of accumulators

8. Measurement of internal resistance of accumulators

9. Measurement of temperature rise of rechargeable battery, temperature distribution - thermography

10. Measurement of BMS behaviour

11. Micro-cycling and energy recuperation in independant traction

12. Measurement of basic characteristics of UPS systems

13. Energy flows in photovoltaic off-grid systém

14. Course-credit

Cíle studia:

A student are well-educated of properties of fundamental type of the eleectrochemical sources, theit application at realization of electronic circuits, technology of realization accumulator systems and methods of actuating of electronic equipment

Studijní materiály:

[1] Cetl, T.: Aplikace elektrochemických zdrojů, skriptum ČVUT, 2004

[2] Battery university, dostupné online z http://batteryuniversity.com

[3] Linden's handbook of batteries / Thomas B. Reddy, 4th ed. New York : McGraw-Hill, 2011.

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Platnost dat k 25. 3. 2025
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