
Economic and management principles

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky
BIE-EMP KZ 4 2P+2C anglicky
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katedra softwarového inženýrství

This course is aimed to fundamental problems of business economy. The course makes students familiar with a life cycle of business, specifically with fields: enterprise foundation, enterprise putting into state economic environment (CR), management of property and capital structure, business transaction records keeping during an accounting period, a relation between business production and costs, evaluation of enterprise financial health and business rehabilitation or termination.


No prerequisites are needed for this course.

Osnova přednášek:

1. Fundamental microeconomic terms and indicators, state economic environment.

2. Business and business objectives, primary and derived business functions.

3. Understanding of own business. Business goals and strategies, business model (business processes) and IT support.

4. Life cycle of business. Business growth, stabilisation, crisis, rehabilitation and termination.

5. Property and capital structure of business. Balance rules.

6. Fundamental principles of accounting. Assets, liabilities, owners' equity. Accounting of production inputs and outputs.

7. Financial reports (balance sheet, profit-and-loss statement, cash-flow statement) and their structure and importance. Profit and its structure and division.

8. Cost classification, methods of cost calculation. Relation between profits, production, costs and prices. Cost curve and break-even point.

9. Tax system in CR. Direct and indirect taxes. Health insurance and social security. Employee costs.

10. Financial management of business - short-run and long-run business funding, investment evaluation.

11. Marketing and marketing management.

12. Human resource management. Human resource in IT area.

Osnova cvičení:

1.-2. Rules of the game, conditions for the classified assessment. Microeconomic terms and indicators. Importance and recommended structure of business plan.

3.-4. Property and capital structure of business. Business and owner's goals. Analysis of potential markets .

5.-6. Fundamental principles of accounting. Financial reports (balance sheet and profit-and-loss statement). Analysis of suppliers and production factors. Analysis of competition. Marketing and business strategy.

7.-8. Cost curve and break-even point. Relation between profits, production, costs and prices. Profit, taxes and employee costs. Financial plan - start-up budget. Projected returns and costs.

9.-10. Short-run and long-run business funding. Investment evaluation. Analysis of risks. SWOT analysis.

11.-13. Presentation and evaluation of student's projects.

Cíle studia:

Targets and functions of a business, business environment, business life cycle. Cost classification, cost calculation, cost curves. Relations among profit, production volume, price, and costs. Taxes. Financial management and investment decisions. Business plan. Business processes, management. Marketing. Human resource management.

Studijní materiály:

1. BEGG D.: Economics for Business, MCGRAW-HILL Professional, 2012, ISBN: 978-0077139452.

2. BREALEY R.A., MYERS S.C., ALLEN F.: Principles of Corporate Finance, e-book, 2013, ISBN: 978-0078034763.


Information about the course and courseware are available at https://moodle-vyuka.cvut.cz/course/search.php?search=BIE-EMP

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Platnost dat k 21. 1. 2025
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