UPOZORNĚNÍ: Jsou dostupné studijní plány pro následující akademický rok.


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AED4B17EAM Z,ZK 6 2p+2c anglicky
Garant předmětu:
Předmět zajišťuje:
katedra elektromagnetického pole

Based on theoretical fundamentals such as Maxwell equations, students will acquire insight into electromagnetic effects and ability to solve simple electromagnetic problems. Physical principles are applied to derive basics of circuit theory. Simple linear circuits, lumped as well as distributed, are described and analysed. Field theory application enables to understand basic circuit elements, such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, and transmission lines as well as important effects such as resonance and impedance matching. Exact quantitative description (analysis and/or design) of simple geometries helps to estimate fields and behaviour of more complex ones. Frequency domain and time domain formulations are combined to provide better insight. The course is completed by information on electromagnetic compatibility.



Osnova přednášek:

1.Electrostatics, Gauss law, polarization, potential, voltage, capacity, energy, forces

2.Stationary current, Joule's AND Ohm's Law, continuity equations.

3.Kirchoff's law, Thevenin and Norton theorems, analysis of linear resistive circuits

4.Stationary magnetic field, Ampere's and Biot-Savart Law, inductance, energy, forces.

5.Quasi-Stationary magnetic field, magnetic circuits, Faraday inductance law.

6. Non-stationary electromagnetic field and waves, frequency and time domain, spectrum

7.Maxwell equations - fundaments of electromagnetism. Physical description.

8.Electromagnetic waves in free space and transmission lines, wave guiding structures and parameters.

9.Electric and magnetic skin effect

10.Circuits possessing distributed elements, lossless and lossy transmission lines, reflections and impedance matching.

11.Linear circuits containing reactances - accumulating elements. Circuit description in frequency as well as time domain.

12.Transition effects and their time-domain analysis.

13.Transition effects, first and higher orders.

14.Electromagnetic interferences, compatibility and susceptibility.

Osnova cvičení:

1.Electrostatic effects and fields, dielectrics, quantities, analysis, capacity.

2.Currents, conductors, loss calculation.

3.Kirchhoff's laws, simple linear circuit analysis.

4.Magnetic effects, quantities, material behaviour, inductance calculus, energy forces.

5.Magnetic circuits, Faraday's law, mutual inductance, cuplings

6.Electromagnetic wave - information carrier.

7.Maxwell equations, physical meaning.

8.Wave equation - solution for free space and simple transmission lines.

9.Skin-effect, computer simulation in a lab.

10.Circuits with distributed elements, reflection, matching.

11.Circuits with reactances / energy accumulating elements.

12.Resonances, transition effects.

13.Transition effects - first and higher order.

14.Electromagnetic coupling and electromagnetic compatibility.

Cíle studia:

Získání základní znalosti o chování látek v makroskopickém pojetí v elektrickém a magnetickém poli.

Studijní materiály:

[1] Collin, R.E.: Field Theory of Guided Waves. 2nd Edit., IEEE Press, New

York 1991^

[2] Sadiku, M.N.O.: Elements of Electromagnetics. Saunders College

Publishing. London, 1994^

[3] Smith, K.C.A., Alley, R.E.: Electrical Circuits An Introduction.

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1992^

[4] Mikulec, M., Havlíček, V.: Basic Circuits Theory, Vydatelství ČVUT,

Praha 2000^

[5] Dorf, R.: Introduction To Electric Circuits, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,

New York 1993


Rozsah výuky v kombinované formě studia: 14p+6c Rozsah výuky v kombinované formě studia: 14p+6c

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Platnost dat k 26. 3. 2025
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