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Implementation of Analog Systems

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AE2M31IAS Z,ZK 6 2P+2S anglicky
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katedra teorie obvodů

The aim of this subject is to present new ways and principles of analog circuit design, especially with respect to the analog signal conditioning for digital processing and transmission systems. A special attention is devoted to design procedures and their implementation in application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs). The subject deals with analog and sampled-data functional blocks, including their modeling and simulation. Specifically, circuits for the design of amplifiers, filters, and data converters are focused as the main point of interest. Concurrent design trends are discussed, introducing the testing issues of analog and mixed-signal ASICs. Electronic system design essentials are presented, taking into account up-to-date technology aspects demonstrated in professional software for modern ASIC design.


Basic principles of electronic circuits; see ANO and ZEO subjects.

Basic properties of electronic device; see ELP subject

Osnova přednášek:

1.New principles and trends in continuous-time and sampled-data analog systems. Specification of basic functional blocks for ASIC design.

2.Conventional and special application specific amplifiers (OpAmp, OTA, CFOA). Basic functional blocks for the circuit realization and their modeling. Specification-driven design procedure. Guidelines for ASIC implementation.

3.Current-mode analog circuits and elements. Voltage-mode to current-mode transformation. Non-linear functional blocks, analog multipliers, variable-gain amplifiers.

4.Continuous-time active filters; biquads and higher-order systems. Filters derived from an LC prototype. Filters based on OTA-C and other active elements.

5.ASIC implementation of active filters. Design tunability, symmetrical signal paths.

6.Micropower circuits; properties, behavior and circuit solutions. ASIC design of voltage and current references.

7.Switched-Capacitor (SC) filters; introduction and basic principles. Continuous-time versus sampled-data filters. Technology and circuit requirements on SC filters: capacitors, switches, OpAmp, minimum and maximum clock frequency. Influence on SC filter behavior; Ron time constant, clock feedthrough, noise.

8.P-z transformation for SC filter synthesis. SC integrator and its z-domain transfer function."Strays-insensitive? SC integrator, SC integrators as basic building blocks.

9.Higher-order SC filters; design based on biquadratic sections.

10. Switched-Current (SI) filters; introduction and basic principles. SI memory cell, integrator, derivator. SC vs. SI comparison.

11.SC and SI circuits; non-ideal properties, improved architectures for error minimization. Design and realization in ASIC structures.

12. ASIC structures for D/A a A/D converters; modeling, simulation and test essentials.

13.Pulse-modulation circuits. Delta-Sigma modulators, "D-class? amplifiers.

14.Sampled-data circuits for switched-supply systems. Charge pumps; circuit structures, regulation principles. DC-DC converters; step-up and step-down. Circuit solutions, analysis and simulation possibility.

Osnova cvičení:

1.State-of-the-art of prospective analog circuits. Concurrent functional blocks and their performance.

2.OTA and OpAmp design and optimization. CFOA and Current Conveyor circuit solution.

3. Feedback circuits using CFOA: calculation and measurement on Lab kit.

4.OTA-C filter design and simulation. Introduction to PraCAn software.

5.Voltage reference circuit design (Bandgap); identification and calculation of basic parameters.

6.Current reference circuit design (Vittoz Loop); identification and calculation of basic parameters.

7.Lab exercise: SC filter measurement.

8.Analysis of elementary SC filters in PraCAn.

9.SC biquad design and simulation.

10.Analysis of elementary SI blocks in PraCAn.

11.SI memory cell design with error minimization; circuit simulation.

12.Parameters and design specification of A/D and D/A converters. Behavioral modeling and simulation.

13.Charge pump design and simulation.

14.Credit, margin in class schedule.

Cíle studia:

The aim of this subject is to present new ways and principles of analog circuit design, especially with respect to the analog signal conditioning for digital processing and transmission systems.

Credit is obtained on the basis of a semestral of work. The final result is determined by the oral examination. List of examination questions and other materials are set on the website of the course.

Studijní materiály:

1. Sanssen, W.M.C.: Analog Design Essentials. Springer, U. S., 2006

2. Maloberti, F.: Data Converters. Springer, U. S., 2007

3. Gray, P. R., Hurst, P.J., Lewis, S.H.: Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits. John Wiley & Sons, U.S., 2001

4. Burns, M., Roberts, G. W.: An Introduction to Mixed-Signal IC Test and Measurement. Oxford University Press, New York 2001

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Platnost dat k 14. 3. 2025
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