Safety in Electrical Engineering 1
Kód | Zakončení | Kredity | Rozsah |
AE2B14BP1 | Z | 0 | 4+8j |
- Garant předmětu:
- Přednášející:
- Cvičící:
- Předmět zajišťuje:
- katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
- Anotace:
The purpose of the course is to give the students basic knowledge of electrical equipment and installation as to avoid danger arising from operation of it. In this way the students receive qualification of instructed person that enables them to work on electrical equipment according to the Directive of the Dean No. 1/2007
Výsledek studentské ankety předmětu je zde:
- Požadavky:
100%participation at courses and lectures
work out of the test
- Osnova přednášek:
1.Qualification of persons. Effect of current passing through the human body. Safety symbols and safety identification. Safety parameters and arrangement of electrical equipment. Electromagnetic compatibility
2.Safety operation of and work on electrical installations, authorization of persons. Protection against direct and indirect contact. Safety of electrical equipment. Classes of protection. First aid treatment of the electric shock.
- Osnova cvičení:
Laboratory program is intended as a preparation for the operation of and work on electrical equipment and installation and includes practical work in laboratory according to the requirements of Czech standards. This program is obligatory.
1.Introduction. Time schedule. Safety at laboratories of Faculty of Electrical Engineering. Introduction to laboratory program.
2.Connection of electrical equipment to electric distribution system.
3.Design and assembling of components on PCB. Written exam (test) of electrical qualification
4.Safety arrangement of electrical equipment. Inspection and testing. Safety parameters measurement. Assessment.
- Cíle studia:
- Studijní materiály:
1. Kůla , Kříž: Introduction to Eelectrical Engineering, ČVUT, Prague, 2003
- Poznámka:
Rozsah výuky v kombinované formě studia: 4j+8j
- Další informace:
- Pro tento předmět se rozvrh nepřipravuje
- Předmět je součástí následujících studijních plánů: