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Development of Energy Systems

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky
AE1M16RES Z,ZK 5 2+2s anglicky
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katedra ekonomiky, manažerství a humanitních věd

In this subject the basic questions of power stations design is solved. This design is discussed from viewpoint of ecology and level of used technology. Special focus is on future importance of classical and renewable energy resources. These kinds of energy resources are considered as the most important factor of future development of appropriate power industry systems. The subject provides overview of practical application of modern technologies to guarantee the development of energetic systems.


viz. https://ekonom.feld.cvut.cz/web/index.php?option=com_content&task=section&id=7&Itemid=236

Osnova přednášek:

1.Definition of basic kinds of energetic systems, characterization of its segments and relationships between each part of energetic system.

2.Basic approaches to power station conceptual design (aim on thermal power plants, thermal power stations and nuclear power plants).

3.Conceptual design of thermal power plants.

4.Central heating systems (requirements on conceptual design of thermal power stations).

5.Basic diagrams of thermal power stations, dimensioning and selection of heat-transport medium.

6.Basic features of particular nuclear power plant principles incl. it's fuel cycle.

7.Natural energy resources like a presumption of possible future development.

8.Energy balance, structure of resources and consumption side of energy balance (main indexes for definite territory).

9.State energetic conception from viewpoint of in the future used energy resources.

10.Principles and commitments resulting from EU energy and ecology policy for particular EU members.

11.Main aspects of energetic system development from the ecological point of view (barriers and opportunities).

12.The present state, future development and use of progressive and ecological technologies.

13.Assumptions of future development of world's power industry and their influence on possible future scenarios.

14.Analysis and results of world's power industry development prognosis and it's impact on basic energetic system grow rate. (In developed countries and CR).

Osnova cvičení:

1.Analysis of mining and energy commodity price progress.

2.Analysis of mining and energy commodity price progress.

3.Variants of complex thermal power plant retrofit.

4.Variants of complex thermal power plant retrofit.

5.Variants of complex thermal power plant retrofit.

6.Effectiveness of CHP (combined heat and power production).

7.Conceptual design of thermal power station and it's localization.

8.Conceptual design of thermal power station and it's localization.

9.Conceptual design of thermal power station and it's localization.

10.Integrated and non-waste energetic technologies.

11.Prognosis of development and practical use of progressive technologies.

12.Analysis of electricity generation development in CR by the year 2030.

13.Analysis of resources and consumption side of energy balance of CR and appropriate indexes by the year 2050.

14.Basic principles of Europe policy creation from viewpoint of sustainable development.

Cíle studia:
Studijní materiály:

1.Turner,C.: Energy Management Handbook. Lilburn USA, The Fairmont Press 1995

2.Janouch F., Schleicher S.: Energy for Sustainable Development. Karolinum Press 2005.

3.World Energy Outlook - 2007 Edition, OECD


Rozsah výuky v kombinované formě studia: 14p+6s

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Platnost dat k 21. 3. 2025
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