UPOZORNĚNÍ: Jsou dostupné studijní plány pro následující akademický rok.

Electric Drive Component Design

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AE0M14KOP Z,ZK 5 2+2L česky
Garant předmětu:
Předmět zajišťuje:
katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce

Theoretical principles and pragmatic procedures in main types electric drives for transport, automatisation and manipulating technics design. Selection, dimensionning and realisation of drives components: power supply, switching devices, protection, semiconductor converter, electric motor. Project, verification of dimensionning and testing of drive components, realisation of selected part on model drive, experimental parameters examination. Semestrial project optionally fixed on theoterical design, realisation or experimental parameters verification


Elementary knowledge of physics and mathematics from bachaleor study etap.

Osnova přednášek:

1.Main types of electric drives classification, principal components

2.Duty cycles, operating conditions, index of protection, mounting, cooling, starting, power supply

3.Main driving machines construction and characteristics

4.Driven machines properties, torque characteristics

5.Main types converters principles, characteristics, construction

6.Modern DC machines for handling and automatisation - concept, construction and dimensionning

7.DC machines converters - concept, construction and dimensionning

8.Induction machines for handling and automatisation - concept, construction and dimensionning

9.Induction machines converters - concept, construction and dimensionning

10.Passenger transport and goods traffic perspective drives. Electromobils, rail transport vehicles

11.Hybrid vehicles, power supply ( combustion engine / energy accumulation)

12.Electric vehicles, power supply ( battery / fuell cell ) energy recovery, central / in wheel drive

13.Electric drives for robotics and computers

14.Controlled drives network retro-action, EMC, harmonic components filtering, power factor compensation

Osnova cvičení:

1.Technical documentation, catalogue data, calculated filed values

2. Modern CAD engineer´s instruments, EXCEL, MATLAB, ACAD, EPLAN, ORCAD

3. Routin drive and it´s components design, semestrial project selection

4. Laboratory activity and equipment presentation. Individual problems workplace. Rules of the accidents prevention

5. Individual lab work, according to selected task of semestral project, requirements, theoretical analysis

6. Visit on DP METRO Praha, depo Hostivař - mass transport suburban vehicles

7. Individual laboratory work, documentation setup, pragmatic realisation

8. Individual laboratory work, documentation setup, pragmatic realisation

9. Individual laboratory work, documentation setup, pragmatic realisation

10. Visit on Motol hospital - interplant handling

11. Individual laboratory work, concept of tests, experimental parameters verification

12. Individual laboratory work, concept of tests, experimental parameters verification

13. Individual laboratory work, concept of tests, experimental parameters verification

14. Assesment - defence of the laboratory project

Cíle studia:
Studijní materiály:

1.Mohan, N., Underland, T., Robbins, W.: Power Electronics. New York: John Willey & Sons. 1995


Rozsah výuky v kombinované formě studia: 14p+6l

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