
Recommended study pathway Branch Electric Machines, Devices and Drives - Passage through study

Study plan: Electrical Engineering, Power Engineering and Management - Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives

1st semester

Code Course name
Completion Credits Range Semester Role
AE1M14BP3 Safety in Electrical Engineering 3
Z 0 2+2j L compulsory course in the program
AE0M16EKE Economy of Power Industry KZ 4 2+2s Z,L compulsory course in the program
AE1M14SP2 Electric Machinery and Apparatus 2 Z,ZK 5 2+2L Z compulsory course in the program
AE1M14SSE Machinery structures of power plants Z,ZK 4 2+2s Z compulsory course in the program
AE1M01MPS Probability and Statistics Z,ZK 8 4+2s Z compulsory course in the program
AE1M13JAS Quality and Reliability Z,ZK 5 2+2c Z compulsory course in the program
AE1M14SOP Simulation and Optimization in Drives
Z,ZK 5 2+2L Z compulsory course of the specialization

2nd semester

Code Course name
Completion Credits Range Semester Role
AE1M13EMP Ecology of materials and processes Z,ZK 5 2+2L L compulsory course in the program
AE1M14PO2 Electric Drives and Traction 2 Z,ZK 5 2+2L L compulsory course in the program
AE1M15TVN High Voltage Engineering Z,ZK 5 2+2L L compulsory course in the program
AE1M14TP1 Magister Team Project
Z 5 2+2c L compulsory course in the program
AE1M15PRE Transmission and Distribution of Electricity Z,ZK 5 2+2s L compulsory course in the program
AE1M14RPO Electric Drive Control
Z,ZK 5 2+2L L compulsory course of the specialization

3rd semester

Code Course name
Completion Credits Range Semester Role
AE1M13EZF Electrochemical Sources and Photovoltaics Z,ZK 5 2+2L Z compulsory course in the program
AE1M14IND Individual Magister Project
Z 5 4L Z compulsory course in the program
AE1M14VE2 Power Electronics 2 Z,ZK 5 2+2L Z compulsory course in the program
AE1M15ENY Power Plants Z,ZK 5 2+2c Z compulsory course in the program

4th semester

Code Course name
Completion Credits Range Semester Role
Generated on 2012-7-9
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/pruchod16591704.html