
Physics 2 for KME

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Code Completion Credits Range Language
AD2B02FY2 KZ 3 14+3L Czech
Petr Kulhánek (gar.), Vítězslav Kříha, Karel Malinský
Petr Kulhánek (gar.), Vítězslav Kříha, Karel Malinský
Department of Physics

The course Physics II is closely linked with the course Physics I. Within the framework of this course the students will first of all learn the theory of waves. The students will be introduced into the properties of waves and universal character of the waves. Particular types of waves, such as acoustic or electromagnetic waves are the subjects of the following section. Relativistic mechanics, quantum mechanics and nuclear physics will complete the student´s general education in physics. The knowledge gained in this course will help to students in the study of such modern disciplines as measuring technique, propagation of electromagnetic waves, electroacoustic or optical communications and will allow them to understand the principles of novel technologies and functioning of new electronic devices.


Knowledge of Physics I. Basic knowledge of the differential and integral calculus of the function of more variable and linear algebra.

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Basics of the wave theory (angular velocity, wave vector, phase velocity, group velocity, plane wave, dispersion relation).

2. Superposition of waves, Huygens´ principle, diffraction and interferention, Doppler effect, plane, spherical and cylindrical waves.

3. Linearization, dispersion relation derivation. Equation of continuity, equation of motion for gases and liquids, polytropic fluids, sound in fluid.

4. Acoustic waves, fundamental quantities, linear wave equation of acoustics, intensity level and acoustic pressure level.

5. Maxwell equations, electromagnetic waves in vacuum and conductor.

6. Basics of special relativity, Lorentz transform, fourvectors, contraction of length and dilatation of time.

7. Relativistic kinematics and dynamics. Equivalence principle.

8. Basics of the quantum therory. Matrix and wave mechanics. Probabilioty interpúretation.

9. Hilbert space, operators, eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

10. Elementary particles, spin, isospin, atom nucleus.

11. Radioactivity, fusion and fission. Tokamak, ITER. Particle accelerators, LHC, ILC, XFEL, free alectron lasers.

12. Interactions and their properties. Electromagnetic, strong, weak and gravitational interactions.

13. Limits of the quantum world, aplications.

14. Symmetry in physics, conservation laws (energy, momentum, spin, parity, ...)

Syllabus of tutorials:

1. Introduction, safety instructions, laboratory rules, list of experiments.

2. Measurement of the speed of sound using sonar and acoustic Doppler effect. Diffraction of acoustic waves.

3. Measurement of reflection of polarized light (Fresnel´s formulae).

4. Diffraction of light, Fresnel´s and Fraunhofer´s diffraction.

5. Absorbtion of ionizing radiation by materials.

6. Measurement of wavelengths by prism spectrometer.

7. Grading of laboratory reports.

Study Objective:
Study materials:

1. Physics II, S. Pekárek, M. Murla, Vydavatelství ČVUT, 2003.

2. Physics II - Seminars, S. Pekárek, M. Murla, Vydavatelství ČVUT, 1996.

3. Physics I - II, Laboratory manual, S. Pekárek, M. Murla, Vydavatelství ČVUT, 2002.

Time-table for winter semester 2011/2012:
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Time-table for summer semester 2011/2012:
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The course is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2012-7-9
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet1221406.html