
Electric Drives for Traction

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
X14EPT Z,ZK 4 2+2s Czech
The course is a substitute for:
Electric Drives for Traction (14EPT)
Department of Electric Drives and Traction

Electric and hybrid electric automobiles. Emissions and environment. Road resistances. Adhesion. Traction power. Traction motors. Vehicles of town mass transportation. Road trams with resistant control and pulse with control. Electronic converters for trams. Trolleybuses. Underground railways. Electric locomotives. Electronic converters for locomotives. DC and AC locomotives. Multisystem locomotives. Locomotives with IM. Examples of locomotives. Diesel electric locomotives.


Reqirements for Inclusion: Activity in seminars and semester Word finished. Reaqirements for exam: Inclusion fulfilled

Syllabus of lectures:

1.Electric and hybrid electric vehicles. Energy sources. Energy saving.

2.Basic hybrid vehicles types.

3.Vehicles Emissions. Kyoto protocol

4.Hybrid vehicles with power dividers

5.Rail vehicles road resistances. Adhesion

6.Tramcars T3, KT8, TV6 a tramcars with IM motors

7.Underground railways. Prague metro

8.Locomotive Škoda E 499, locomotive Škoda 65E a 71E with pulse with control

9.AC locomotives 16 2/3 Hz a 50 Hz.

10.Multisystem locomotives. Electronic converters in multisystem locomotives

11.Locomotive Škoda 73E, Suburban units E471 with IM

12.Express cars „Pendolino“

13.Diesel electric vehicles

14.Dieselelectric locomotives

Syllabus of tutorials:

1.Introduction. Safety in laboratory. Excursion organization.

2.Semester work set

3.Traction forces on loco hook calculation for railway profile, railway load and velocity profile

4.Traction forces on loco hook calculation for railway profile, railway load and velocity profile

5.Power calculation and consumed energy calculation in road profile

6.Excursion to Ústřední opravárenské dílny v Hostivaři. Sector „tramways“

7.Excursion to Dopravní podnik hlavního města Prahy, Sector Metro Kačerov

8.Excursion to locomotive depo Vršovice

9.Control and consultation for semester work. Design of main loco parameters

10.Visit of railway circle Cerhenice

11.Visit of filter compensation railway unit on Západočeská dráha Plzeň Doudlevce

12.Visit in traction equipment factory Alsthom

13.Hand over and evaluation of semester work. Design of main loco parameters


Study Objective:
Study materials:

1.Scientific American. Energie budoucnosti. České vydání. Leden-únor 2007 www.sciam.cz

2.C. C. Chan, Y.S. Wong: The state of the art of Electric Vehicles Technology. IPEMC 2004.

3.John M. German: Hybrid gazoline-Electric Vehicles Development. 2005 Society of Automotive Engineers SAE.

4.Jansa, F.: Vozidla elektrické trakce. Praha: NADAS. 1987

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2012-7-9
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet11493204.html